All things business.
The Shocking Truth
This page is not here to scare you nor is it here to preach at you. I have added this page because when I first saw these statistics I couldn't quite believe them. The thing with us humans is that we have to see to believe, and we are not seeing the effect the fashion industry is having. What I have found though, is that facts and statistics do make an impact. It is these facts that have lead me to create Chief and Turtle.
Below are some worrying statistics. Please help me spread the word by sharing this information. Individually we can't change the world but together we can make a tiny difference.
Believe me, this is only the half of it.
"Your sustainable journey is unique, not perfect, and that's ok."
Did you know?
Where it ends
Rubbish Trucks
Worlds Pesticides
The Farmers
Cotten Fields
Cotten Seeds
The Cost
Virgin Plastic
Greenhouse Gas
Clothing Production
PWC estimates that 40% of online clothing purchases are returned and 10% of these end up end up in landfill rather than being resold due to fast fashion companies finding the time logistics not financially worth it.
Every second the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of clothes ends up in a landfill.
16% of the whole worlds pesticides are used in the production of non organic cotton. Growing cotton uses more pesticides than any other crop in the world.
One farmer commits suicide in India every 30 minutes - about 250k have died in the last 16 years due to cotton farming.
3.6 million acres of cotton fields just in Texas. Used to be spot sprayed, now the whole lot are mass sprayed with pesticides
Cotton seed inflation 17000% for genetically modified seed that was supposed to not need pesticides but of course has mutated to now need pesticides too. Both the seed and the pesticides in India provided by the same company Monsanto? 60 kids per village around the cotton fields now physically or mentally handicapped. Monsanto now sell the drugs to treat
An extra 3c per tee shirt paid would double local wages (quoted by the TUC). Many of them are still working for about $2 a day.
60% of all clothing is made from virgin plastic
2,700 litres of water are used to make one cotton t-shirt.
The global apparel industry is responsible for 4% of the whole world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Clothing production uses 932 billion cubic metres of water
per year. Much of this water is contaminated and cannot be
used to drink afterwards.